Core Work

Portrait Work

Light Hearted Pieces

-The Deck Of Release-

-The Deck Of Release-

The Giving Tree

To be the one who gives, but often not received. To have open boughs, yet be so malnourished underneath.

The Giving Tree Signifies one who many people take from, but does not receive from many. One who pours out, but is left barren on the inside. It isn’t always visible how much they are rotting on the inside, until you dig below the surface.

The Garden of Desire

To seek desire, but to fear it. To want touch, but to also hide from it. The ambivalence of desire and commitment.

The Garden of Desire Signifies one who has lust, desire, and want for romance, yet is afraid of all. One who is too scared of the commitment, or the consequences, yet hungers none the less.

The Heir of Stars

To desire respect, but to never truly receive it. To work with all your might, but never given your due diligence. To Seek Admiration, but to always be forgotten.

The Heir of Stars Signifies one who pours their entirety into fruitless endeavors, one who seeks refreshment from a well who cannot give to them what they seek, and because of this, they grow weary, thirsty, and dry.